Hello SimplyNerdie Readers
I hope you are enjoying the summer no matter where in the world you may be spending these summer-time days. I know school is out for a few months, a time for parents and kids to rejuvenate for the new school year. We know there is anticipation and unknowns when a new school year begins. We all know there is an election coming up, whether you be a Democrat, Republican or an Independent or a now show voter, I want to bring your attention to the bullying that takes place during election year, it has been going on for eons however, in silence. I want to bring awareness as I recently came across a woman running for office in her hometown. She was getting threats, her family was being singled out, her health issues were being blasted on social media. I felt this was definitely bullying. Bullying is something we don’t associate or think about during election season. It can be for City Council, Mayor, Governor, or a run for the Oval Office. When bullying is unrestrained, it is a deterrent for people to give of their time, efforts and a genuine concern for their city, state or country. Those who want to help the people in their community and believe they want to step up and make a difference so, they run for office. and what do they encounter? Their personal information is being blasted all oversocial media, execration and add-ons. Threats hurled at them and at their families. It makes people not want to step up. This country is still a democracy that we live in and hold on to values that make our country what it is. What are we teaching our children of the future? Bully your way to the top, step and demean anyone who is in your way. We certainly have to set the stage for our future democracy if we want a better future for our children. Let’s show the world around us, we are not bullies from the cradle to the grave. Let me hear your thoughts on this matter as everything and every person matter!